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The Video Lowdown: The power of video in a vodcast!

2022 UPDATE >>> For the 17 episodes that the podcast ran for, I got messages from lots of people saying they loved the video format and how it was an entertaining source of info on how many people use video, in different ways. The podcast, with the live streaming, transitions and branding could not have happened without my good friend and stream expert Martin Steed. It’s with deep sadness I announce that Martin passed away in September 2021; his legacy will live on in all the community work he did - this podcast was just one of many projects he touched and added his flair to.

The Video Lowdown won’t return in its current format, but I am playing with new ideas to start a new podcast around creativity in general, and more specifically, storyboarding and illustration. Stay in touch for updates. Rest easy Martin, and thanks for all you did.


Series 1 is on YouTube! No time to watch it?
The Video Lowdown is also on Spotify, and will be on Apple Podcasts
and other major platforms from September 2020.

>> Watch Series 1 here <<

>> Listen on Spotify <<

>> Please leave a review here! <<

The video lowdown…

Out of the 2020 lockdown came an idea. An idea to have an informal chat with business owners, entrepreneurs, YouTubers, about why video is so good, so powerful and how this amazing medium has worked for them.

Not just a regular chat though!

Seeing as face to face is banned for now, I’ll be live streaming these chats from my YouTube channel on a regular basis. Admittedly I’ve somewhat neglected my own video marketing and content while spending time and being passionate about creating it for clients - but this time now has spawned an exciting project to educate, entertain, inform, and generally have fun chatting about all things video!

Whether you create daily video content and are a professional, or you’re just starting out dabbling, I want to hear from you.

Perhaps you’ve been in front of or behind the camera and you loved the experience, I want to hear from you.

If you’ve touched video and it’s helped you in some positive way - I want to hear from you!

Subscribe to my channel and click the bell icon to ensure you get notifications of new and upcoming episodes!

Check out this 20 minute highlights of Series 1. I’ve chosen a couple of minutes from each episode to give you a flavour of what the podcast is all about. Enjoy!